They say diamonds are a girl's best friend, but what about pearls?đź’•

As a 40 y/o woman who has been the epitome of girly-girl since birth, I have always taken notice of certain fashion trends, but more importantly, have loved seeing family heirlooms being worn by multiple generations, beginning with my Grandmother's pieces (Mom-Mom) because of their detail, history and timelessness. 

Mom-Mom's jewelry is all beautiful and ornate, mostly from Buccellatti, a jewelry maker in NYC that my Grandfather insisted on taking her to even though she swears to this day (she is 2 months shy of her 98th birthday FYI) that she never "cared about jewelry."

Ok, Mom-Mom, ok. 👍 

Flash forward to graduation from PSU circa 2006… My dad insisted that I have a simple yet classic strand of pearls for my graduation gift because he said that every "lady" needed a special pair of pearls. Mine came from his favorite jeweler Craig Drake, and are slightly larger and whiter than the standard pearls, and I think are so, so pretty. 


Can be worn to a lunchtime tea party, can be worn with diamonds and take a black dress straight to mob wife status, can be adornments on a jean jacket to spruce up a simple coat, or could be the centerpieces for your mermaid themed party 🤷🏻‍♀️

Currently, I have a wristlet on my phone to help with the amount of times I lose it in a day (no, it is not helping) that is a strand of pearls and every time I see it, it makes me smile. 

(My sister Becky's middle name is Pearl btw- random fact I had to get off my chest.)

 Pearls are stunning on all shapes and sizes of girls, every shade/color of skin, all ages of girls, and are not discriminating towards anyone- they work on every girl, which in all reality can not be said about a lot of things/trends/styles.

Now that I am working with girls on a daily basis in the dress store, I get to see what all of the different schools and different groups of girls are doing and I am so excited to say that I think pearls ARE MAKING A COMEBACK. 

Why?  How come we haven't been seeing them for a while? Where were they? Why are they back?  Someone tell me!!!!

Juuuuust kidding, I know the answer and I am super excited to share it with you!!!!


You classy Moms out there are the ones that teach your girls about pearls. Every girl who comes into the store that has ANY pearls on her body of any kind I will 100% of the time turn around and ask their Mom if they are the ones that introduced them to pearls.

The answer is always YES.

Ok so... being the Mom of only boys, (gross but thank god they're so stinking handsome and loving), I can't speak for myself, but for all of you girl Moms I need to tell you GOOD JOB!!!!!! 

Pearls are a staple that should be entwined in every single girl’s wardrobe in some capacity and forever.

Pearl earrings, pearl slides, pearl handbags, pearl shawl, pearl necklaces, pearl adornments, pearl suspenders, pearl hair pieces….. come see us in store and we’ll show you exactly what pearls would be perfect for you. 🩷

love & light